Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Let me clear my throat

Welcome friends, family and functioning alcoholics.  I hope you find what I have to contribute stimulating and most of all inspiring.  I was inspired to start a blog by a friend of mine.  I was in the midst of making fun of her for having a blog when it hit me, "Oh my God, I want a blog."

I started thinking what could I blog about, so that got me thinking, what do I like to talk about?  But then why not just talk about that.  So then I asked myself, what do I like, and dislike to think about?

We'll start with my new favorite phrase that I heard for the first time in an email from my future mother-in-law, "...took his lumps like a man."

What does it mean?  

-Gave in
-Came to his senses
-Gave up (harsh)
-took it on the chin
-all of the above